got questions?
We're answering all of your frequently asked questions here.
The Wonder Collective is a travel company, designed to inspire you to travel better and to incorporate travel into your daily life. You can learn more about The Wonder Collective on Our Story and Our Services pages.
Pick your destination from our pre-populated destinations list, complete the short questionnaire and then schedule your 30 minute trip consultation. Once your consultation is complete, your personalized itinerary will be delivered to you within 5-7 business days.
Yes! Based on your specific preferences, travel goals and destination, your travel itinerary will always be one-of-a-kind.
All travel recommendations reflect the most up to date COVID-19 restrictions and closures in your chosen destination.
Once you complete the 30 minute trip consultation call, your itinerary will be delivered to you within 5-7 business days.
Yes! Both the itinerary and map portion of your itinerary will be available offline.
This depends on your chosen type of itinerary! Your itinerary will either include food and beverage recommendations only, activities recommendations only, or food, beverage, activities, hotel and transportation recommendations. We will not be booking flights for you, but can provide recommendations as you book this portion of your trip. These will be delivered to you in the form of a downloadable PDF guide, and an interactive Google map.
We have years of experience planning trips for travelers of all ages and interests and have connections with hotels and restaurants across the globe. Our trip itineraries take into account your preferences, mixed with our unique experiences as travelers and trip planners, and give you a simple, yet detailed itinerary that takes away travel stress and frees up your time.
TWC travel recommendations are backed by our 100% satisfaction guarantee. This means that we’re so confident you’ll enjoy your trip itinerary, that we’ll refund your trip planning payment if you aren’t satisfied.
The full list of destinations can be found on the Trip Curation Page.
Definitely! We plan to be constantly expanding our destination list, but would love to see if we can help plan your ideal trip, no matter where you’re headed.
Yes! Simply select “other” for the destination and describe your ideal trip to us in the questionnaire. From there, we will work to match your preferences with a destination. In your 30 minute trip consultation call, we can discuss this further as well.
Costs vary depending upon your chosen itinerary type and the length of your trip. Please refer to our Trip Curation page for more information.
We ask for a one day deposit payment up front in order to retain our services. The remaining balance will be due within 7 days of receiving your itinerary.
For our itineraries, we charge exactly what our hotel and activity partners charge, no mark ups.
Here at TWC, you, the customer, are our number one priority. This means that you will not only receive a one-of-a-kind travel experience and support as you travel, but...
Absolutely! Please reach out to us through the site or our social channels to learn more about the opportunities available for collaboration.
Whether you need a little extra help with images for your website or social platforms, your website copy needs some updating, or your social media platforms need a makeover, we want to make sure that you and your business show up and win your space!